Valuable Resources

The aim of this blog is to identify the process of effective as well as deep learning, therefore:

All Resources are based and planned on Bloom's Taxonomy

Using Bloom's Taxonomy when constructing assignments

One can use these words; with different levels:


  1. Visual exercise eg, "ngubani (1 word answer) - no strong cognitive level / challenge.
  2. List (dwelisa) examples / or arrange / sequencing: eg. "dwelisa amagama abadlali abaphanbile" OR summarize (shawankathela) "eli bali ngamazwi wakho" - the story with your own voice / words. OR give examples "nika umzekelo" / wesafobe = metaphor. 
  3. Inferential Comprehension Assessment: Information in text, but you have to know that it is there and how to use it to answer the question. Level 3 demands critical thinking. Can sequence the story or relate it to their own everyday lives. eg. use questions like 'why (kutheni) ' and ' how (ngoba).
  4. Evaluation of Judgment: "Do you agree or measure if it was successful or stand up and judge" Now they will have to be capable of challenging the writer. Use words like: uyavuma (do you agree) and "xhasa impendulo yahko" (support your answer - both level 3 and 4).
  5. Learner Demonstrates Deep Learning: "zoba and yenza and yila" (draw and make and create). Orals and poster projects. Creativity comes with independent learning. Note: Higher grades 11 and 12 they should be able to answer and translate for themselves so do not give translations with the material, but rather let them translate and ask questions if they do not understand. At level 5 you can challenge them, and then they will start to truly understand and OWN the language. 

Book Review

One of the best prescribed books in learning isiXhosa that have personally helped my own development in isiXhosa and preparing lessons from is:
Xhosa for Second-Language Learners
Senior School and Beyond
Revised Edition
 Alexandra Bryant

"Personally, i find that it has everything that a learner and teacher needs to prepare lessons, and to learn from. It has functional exercise and answer sheets that can be used as small class tests or as homework. It is easy to read and understand and even comes with functional vocabolarly lists at the back of the book. Definitely one of the best prescribed isiXhosa books for pupils in our South African Schools today."

This book can be bought at or at selected bookstores across the country

"buy me here"

isiXhosa Beginners Course

If you wish to take a Beginners Course in isiXhosa, I would strongly recommend you to follow the following course. 

Aneen Kritzinger is a well known and respected isiXhosa teacher that is currently teaching isiXhosa at Bloemhof Girls High in Stellenbosch, Western Cape.

She uses the following material to help beginner speakers learn and love speaking isiXhosa.

Feel free to contact her for more information on the course she has to offer. Highly Recommended. 

071 672 0055 /

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